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Confusion priorities traffic lights

How our priorities create a paradox of choice

Tom Steward web sq
By Tom on

Too many competing priorities create confusion, so when we're working with websites, being disciplined in our pursuit of less helps visitors with clarity of decisions and improves your conversion rates..

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DIY project house renovation
Tom Steward web sq
By Tom on
Strategy , Design

How could your website be organised and designed to better fulfil its purpose? Nick Knowles is well known for his DIY programmes on the TV, so is it time for an SOS refresh of your website, or is it just time for a bit of a clear out?

Photography photographer
Laura profile
By Laura on

Getting your images right is key to making an impact on your website. So what are the common pitfalls we see and how can you avoid them?

Locked tricycle
Laura profile
By Laura on

The lessons I learnt watching someone try to login to a website and reset their password, and how we as designers can do better.

Style tile banner 170303 104625
Laura profile
By Laura on

Explore colour, pattern, fonts and more, in preparation for your website's design.

Wireframes banner
Laura profile
By Laura on

Experiment with your website's layout quickly with wireframes.

Sitemap banner
Laura profile
By Laura on

Plan out your website structure in detail and get to grips with your project scope.

Customer journey banner
Laura profile
By Laura on

Explore how users will move through your website and what you can do to make this easier.

Personas banner
Laura profile
By Laura on

Understand who you are building your website for by developing user personas.

Post Image Placeholder
Andrew profile
By Andrew on

UK creative industries paving the way to greatness