Opinion: It’s OK to be a ‘Marmite’ brand — as long as it’s authentic

As brands are scrambling to establish their market position and increasingly, their purpose, they're adapting their attitude to risk to help them stand out. Owning a position can take brands out of their comfort zone, but is that such a bad thing?
Latest Blog Posts

Opinion: A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing

In this first column for MediaCat magazine, I was asked whether there's a relationship between age and wisdom. A contentious question, but evidence shows, there clearly isn't.

Why you might regret allowing a domain name to lapse

Domain names are one of your company's most valuable assets. But they might just become more valuable than you think, the day you no longer need it.

Are you ready for Google Analytics GA4?

If you use Google Analytics to track and report visitor traffic on your website then things are changing. Here’s what you need to know.

A Fond Farewell to Laura after 11 years

This month we're saying farewell to Laura who many of you will have spoken to and worked with since she joined A Digital way back in 2011!

Your Guide To Starting A Business Podcast

Podcasts have became increasingly popular over the last few years but how do you produce one people will actually listen to? This blog gives you the path to do just that with extra tips for producing a successful podcast!

Improve your website with Content Grouping reports in Google Analytics

Asses your content marketing efforts and see which sections of your site are impacting your business.

Alice joins the A Digital Team

We are delighted to have welcomed junior content executive, Alice Bardgett, to the team to support our digital marketing activity.

Get to know the A Digital team better

We may be a small team, but we have a breadth of knowledge that rivals any agency in a big city centre. Learn more about us as individuals and how we work together as a team.

Planting Trees with Code

A Digital are supporting tree planting projects through a partnership with Ecologi. For every piece of code we commit to our version control system, we're planting a tree!

Craft CMS through the eyes of a website designer

There are a lot of things to love about Craft CMS. This article goes through things that I as a website designer love about using Craft CMS from a design and build perspective.