Integrating Craft CMS with third party apps and services
Craft CMS offers plenty of flexibility to integrate with a variety of cloud based apps and services. Andrew Armitage looks back at some of the integrations A Digital have built on some recent Craft CMS projects.
Latest Strategy Posts

Planning your website budget beyond the build

A website is a bit like buying a car. There's little point in having one if you can't afford to run it. In this blog post, Andrew Armitage explains some of the costs that you might need to factor into your website budget beyond building it.

Understanding Tachyons CSS

Understanding the benefits of Utility-First CSS and getting the most out of it with Tachyons, a CSS framework that enables you to create fast-loading, scalable and responsive websites while writing as little CSS as possible.

Can my website keep working without any changes?

If you don’t know that websites have a life expectancy or how to find out what it might be, then this is the article for you.

The Impossible PageSpeed Score

It's achieveable and we've done it, but we don't think that 100% pagespeed scores on both desktop and mobile are practical on the web any longer.

GDPaaaargh! The date has finally arrived, but there’s no need to panic

GDPaaargh...it’s here! But don’t panic, and whatever you do, don’t send out another unnecessary consent email!

The New Year's Resolution you can keep: Image optimisation

Is your website a bit on the heavy side? Optimising your images is the easiest way to lighten the load, making your website faster in the process.

The impact of Google Tag Manager on pagespeed

Can our tracking tools really have that much of an impact on the website if we add them into google tag manager?

Lazy Loading: Why We Implement It And How Its Done

Most social media sites have championed this feature so we want to tell you what lazy-loading is and how you can use it

Page Speed Optimisation

How we speed up the internet one site at a time and why it's important to do so

Why a Multiple Environment Configuration is a must have for your business

An explanation of what it is, and the reasons why your website could suffer without it