Handling large image and file sizes

What do you do when your clients keep uploading massive files to their website, killing the server? When working with Craft CMS, there is an easy solution.
Latest Craft CMS Posts

Free Webinar: Craft CMS for Content Editors

Join our free webinar on using Craft CMS for Content Managers on 24 March

Integrating Business Critical Systems with your Website

Integrating your website with your business critical systems can be complex, but the rewards are greater efficiency and improved customer interactions.

A Digital Win at Manchester's Inaugural Northern Dev Awards

A Digital were finalists in 3 categories for the Northern Dev Awards which took place at Manchester Hall on 25 February 2020

Setting up a service to clear Craft's job queue

Using Redis for higher availability is great, but there is a potential pitfall.

Smooth Website Migrations

Andrew Armitage shares the key things to consider when migrating a website to a new platform.

Integrating Craft CMS with third party apps and services

Craft CMS offers plenty of flexibility to integrate with a variety of cloud based apps and services. Andrew Armitage looks back at some of the integrations A Digital have built on some recent Craft CMS projects.

When Craft CMS is not the right choice for your website

It's no secret that we love Craft CMS. Companies we introduce to Craft love it too, but there are times when Craft perhaps won't be the best fit for your website project. Andrew Armitage considers when you might be better of with something different.

Eventbrite Integration for Craft CMS

A Digital have published a new Eventbrite integration for Craft CMS which is now available on the Craft Plugin Store.

Author experience in Craft CMS

Andrew Armitage talks about author experience in Craft CMS and why it's so vital to the success of a project.

Eliminating 404 error pages with Craft CMS after removing content

Understanding and dealing with redirects is made easy with the Retour plugin for Craft CMS. Here's how we use it to handle 404s and set up 410 redirects.