What is a Support Retainer and do I need one?
You probably recognise that digital is never done!
Digital technology is a rapidly developing and constantly changing field. Beyond the standard maintenance and technical support, there’s also a wide variety of website management tasks to be undertaken on a regular basis—work on your website doesn’t stop after it’s launch!
It is therefore not uncommon to receive feedback and requests from colleagues asking for updates and new features immediately after a new site goes live. And with the introduction of new products or services it is expected that your website will, at some point, require a new focus as your business continues to grow.
By being able to make regular updates and adopt new technologies you'll provide your users with the best possible service and user experience, earning a good brand reputation and increasing your revenue.
Elsewhere on the web, hackers are always on the prowl for vulnerable websites without proper security and a website attack or data breach can be hugely damaging to your brand. A website maintenance retainer gives you the confidence you're doing all you can to keep them out, protecting your data and your reputation. By regularly updating your website, you can help prevent security threats, increase traffic and conversion with updated content, and provide an enhanced user experience by using the latest web technologies.
Having a dedicated digital agency on retainer helps to manage this entire process and not only ensures that your website always stays one step ahead of rapidly changing customer expectations, it also provides you with peace of mind that your website is secure.
A website support retainer is a pricing agreement between an agency and client for a set rate and period of time. Agencies work with their client to scope out what work will likely need to be completed, agree upon a monthly allotment of hours and then work collaboratively to meet their marketing needs and goals.
What can I expect from a website support retainer?
#1 Speed and Reliability
When working with a digital marketing agency under a retainer they will have an understanding of your goals and priorities for your website and your business, meaning that when you require updates to the website, briefing is easy and your digital agency can get straight to work.
With preferential access to our team for support requests you will become a priority client as part of your retainer agreement and we will ensure that we always dedicate enough resources to ensure that your work is ready when you need it.
#2 Continuous Improvements
Craft CMS will have regular new releases where the performance is improved and features are enhanced. As part of your retainer you can be assured that you are taking full advantage of this service, keeping your website up to date and regularly improved.
If your website is not pro-actively managed then you will miss the regular updates and releases from both Craft CMS and the plugins that you might be using on your website which risks not only a loss of functionality but can also create security vulnerabilities.
#3 Value for Money
The cost of having someone managing your website full-time is not always feasible, in which case a dedicated website development agency on a support retainer is a far better approach.
Budgeting when using a specialised digital agency is made easier as your monthly spend is fixed. Your website budget then becomes a predictable line item in your annual budgeting.
You also save money engaging on a retainer basis rather than with ad-hoc support requests.
#4 A Partnership
The longer your digital agency is involved with your business, the more it learns about the specifics of your business and operational model, and can become an extended part of your team.
A clear benefit of a support retainer is that it allows you to concentrate on your business operations whilst your digital agency manages what for many is one of their most valuable marketing and sales assets, their website, constantly developing new ideas and strategies to move your business in the right direction.
Select the right retainer for your business
Our affordable maintenance retainers provide peace of mind with a predictable monthly budget allowing your website to continually evolve with your business.
Protect your site today
Nina Helme
Nina is a project manager at A Digital working alongside clients and supporting their digital campaigns.