Gain Twitter followers, help your business build brand awareness.
Twitter can be a very useful tool to use to create more exposure for your business and build better brand awareness, which in turn can lead to increased sales and revenue.
Becoming popular on Twitter is all down to what you tweet. Creating an interesting and insightful Twitter feed will mean people are more likely to follow and interact with you. It’s an ongoing process that will take time and effort but when done properly can reap the rewards. Here's a quick guide to help you get more followers.
Tweet a lot
Frequent tweeters generally have more followers (it makes sense really, if you don’t say anything then nobody will notice you). Take time to plan your updates (try not to tweet about your mundane everyday activities), come up with a strategy about what you want to say, but make sure you keep a personality and ‘voice’ to your tweets.
Be useful
Keeping an eye on what other people are talking about can make sure that you provide useful insights into the mix. Provide handy tips, useful facts and engaging conversations.
Have some personality
Don’t be afraid to inject some personality into your tweets. Just because you are a business doesn’t mean you can’t also be fun. Having personality will help your followers to relate to your brand more.
Search for relevant topics
Searching for key words that relate to your business will help you to get involved with conversations. Of course you don’t want to barge into private conversations, but use your best judgment and see if you can contribute something useful to an interaction.
Tweet when your audience is online
You are going to get the best results if you tweet when your audience is online. Generally this means avoiding tweeting late at night or too early in the morning.
Tweet pictures
Visual content is often much more effective, especially on Twitter, and images and pictures are deemed as more sharable. More shares equals more exposure.
Have a look what other people in your industry are doing
Looking at what other people are tweeting, sharing, who they are following and who follows them will give you an idea about what works and what doesn’t. Look at the people who are interacting with them, it might be that they are the kind of people you want to interact with to.

Andrew Armitage
Andrew is the founder of multi-award winning A Digital and believes that technology should be an enabler, making a positive impact on the way people live and work.